Prospects for girls and young women
How can STEM content be taught in kindergarten and school to encourage girls' interest?
The acquisition of knowledge, skills and a reflective attitude towards the STEM subjects (science, technology, informatics, mathematics) is crucial for successfully coping with global and social changes in the economic and working world. However, children and young people in STEM face numerous obstacles, which are often due to unfavourable socio-economic conditions or gender stereotypes. These obstacles are already noticeable at a young age. They affect children's enjoyment of learning and motivation in STEM subjects, causing girls to feel anxious about subjects such as maths more often and to develop less interest in STEM. Ultimately, these barriers also influence career choices.

Selected projects and publications
"Girls, go for MINT!" - ein innovatives Fortbildungskonzept für Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen
Paechter, M., Luttenberger, S., & Ertl, B. (2020). Distributing Feedback Wisely to Empower Girls in STEM. Frontiers in Education, 5, Article 141. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2020.00141
Further projects and publications can be accessed via the research portal of the University of Graz.