Media, learning and development
Media use by young children
How does the use of digital media in early childhood affect health and well-being?
As digital media have become increasingly important in recent years and have found their way into various areas of adults' everyday lives, they are already omnipresent for young children too. Usage behavior (e.g. duration), characteristics of the medium or end device (e.g. interactive usage options) and parental behavior (e.g. accompanying use) are decisive for the impact of children's media use. Psychophysiological measurements support the objective gain in knowledge about the effects of digital media on children's well-being and health, especially in the case of young children, a target group that is still heavily dependent on external assessments.

Selected projects and publications
Eichen, L., Hackl-Wimmer, S., Eglmaier, M. T. W., Lackner, H. K., Paechter, M., Rettenbacher, K., Rominger, C., & Walter-Laager, C. (2021). Families' digital media use: Intentions, rules and activities. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52, 2162–2177.
Hackl-Wimmer, S., Eglmaier, M. T. W., Eichen, L., Rettenbacher, K., Macher, D., Walter-Laager, C., Lackner, H. K., Papousek, I., & Paechter, M. (2021). Effects of Touchscreen Media Use on Toddlers’ Sleep: Insights from Longtime ECG Monitoring. Sensors, 21(22), 7515.
Further projects and publications can be accessed via the research portal of the University of Graz.