Learning with digital learning environments
Use of AI tools in the learning process
How can digital learning environments and AI tools be combined and used efficiently?
Digital learning environments enable learners to design learning processes according to their needs. This can go far beyond the choice of learning time and learning pace, but can also refer to the choice of strategies, materials, media, learning partners and more in a self-directed manner. Whether self-directed learning is successful depends on several parameters: the didactic design of the learning environment, the materials, institutional framework conditions and finally the learners themselves. The rapid development of AI and "intelligent" tools such as ChatGPT open up new learning opportunities, the efficient use of which still needs to be researched.
Current projects in the department are concerned with socio-emotional processes in learning with ChatGPT and tutors.

Selected projects and publications
Luttenberger, S., Macher, D., Maidl, V., Rominger, Ch., Aydin, N., & Paechter, M. (2018). Different patterns of university students' integration of lecture podcasts, learning materials, and lecture attendance in a psychology course. Education and Information Technologies, 23, 165-178. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-017-9592-3
Further projects and publications can be accessed via the research portal of the University of Graz.