Learning is a fundamental aspect of life. The foundations for personal growth are laid in childhood, while important skills and competencies are honed in adulthood. Various personal factors contribute to learning: our self-assessments, motivation and emotions. When these factors are in balance, they support learning. In addition, learning always takes place in a context in which other people such as peers, teachers or material factors such as media play a role and contribute to the success of learning processes.
Fields of research
Media, learning and development
Learning with digital learning environments
Emotions during learning
Master theses
Master's theses in the above research fields are offered every semester. If you are interested, please contact Prof. Paechter directly by e-mail.
| ORCID: 0009-0009-5932-3385 |
| +43 316 380 - 8502 |
Dimitris Skliris | +43 316 380 - 8516 |
| ORCID: 0000-0002-3224-5323 |